Thursday, November 19, 2009

Freedom ...

Freedom of choices in respects of me, what I have been, my weaknesses, the weaknesses of my ancestries, of my relatives, of my relations, the others, the differents, the ones that I do not understand, the opposites, the nature.
Sure we need to accept temporarly tensions, but these are necessary to supperate a local and limited incomprehension between me and the other. Once we superate this on the both sides, the tensions disappear and we can go forward at a faster speed and for the best of me, the groups, systems, ... globally.
Food: sure everybody should have at least the minimum to survive and surely much more.
But in general all the necessities should be provided to anybody.
Our work, our competences, our participation to any systems provide us all what we need and much more, but not only egoistically but for the better of all.
We should create the "NASDAQ" (not control by anybody in particular but by everybody) of resources (people, competence, food, money, work, art, ... all the creations of this earth) and let directly the mind of all the people to control the interactions with this "NASDAQ" ...
All will be better, and we will have better ressources utilization (less work, less stress, less impact to our eco-systems, and also to the other eco-systems).
Everybody is useful in this system, everybody can provide happiness and wealthness (not only money). We can have what we need, when the man can create it, if it can help us to progress (better life: better life expectation, better protection against the unplanned events (accidents, imprevision of earthquake, ... external events that are still now unpredictable...).
Hope everybody can help to give its best for this.
Is it reachable ? I am sure of this , even if it is not for me, but at least for the future of me, my child or the children of the child...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Searching for the control of the systems controllers...

See these links to undertand the spinning behing the Web 3.0+

I will do the parallel with Society (Control the people)/Information (Control the information)... Is the information a "meta-information" about people and its relations ?
RDBMS has been created to control locally our knowledge,
CRM, ERP and SCM to control the knowledge of our relations with the external world.
SBAs (Search-Based Applications (SBA) and enterprise search) to search the knowledge when needed through the network about its relations.
As scientists, we are searching to create systems for abstracting the knowledge (Web 3.0 +).