Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Java / OSGi and Maven

I would be pleased to see standard container for services coming into place in mobile (OSGi) as well as entreprise application server (e.g.: Java EE (Glassfish)).
OSGi and the future Java 7 include such functionality.
We will need also some way to uniquely identify software and versions at the internet level and being able to manage libraries in central repositories (local or remote ones) and to download libraries and updates on the fly if connected, like Maven do. This in order to avoid duplication of code inside several bundles/applications.
So OSGi/Java 7 + Maven-like repository for application, with local and remote repositories, and versioning is required to achieve all the benefits of manageable set of applications while reducing the size of the container/application sets.

I do hope that it will happen rather soon for mobile and enterprise-level applications.