Friday, December 17, 2010

MySQL 5.5 landed...

With the MySQL 5.5 release that finally arrived, we get:
Improved performance and scalability:
MySQL Database and InnoDB storage engine have been enhanced to provide optimum performance and scalability when running on the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity and crash recovery.

Higher availability:
New semi-synchronous replication and Replication Heart Beat improve failover speed and reliability.

Improved usability:
Improved index and table partitioning, SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, improve the manageability of MySQL 5.5.

MySQL 5.5 Delivers Major Performance Gains:
In recent benchmarks, the MySQL 5.5 release candidate delivered significant performance improvements compared to MySQL 5.1. Results included:

On Windows: Up to 1,500 percent performance gains for Read/Write operations and up to 500 percent gain for Read Only.(1)

On Linux: Up to 360 percent performance gain in Read/Write operations and up to 200 percent improvement in Read Only.(2)

Try it and you will get better mysql.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 landed.

Downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 desktop (32 bits), server (32 and 64 bits), installed and tried inside VirtualBox 3.2.8 (Sun/Oracle) onto Windows 7.
Ubuntu 10.10 is faster, has many new features and is stable.
Grab it soon, try it and adopt it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to develop on IPhone, iPad, ... in Java...

Do you need to develop application for the iPhone, iPad, ... and
you do not want to program in ObjectiveC but in Java ?

How can you do ? Go ahead and check: Java for iPhone

Keep the maximum portability of the code using Java and reduce the dependency to the specific platform by keeping
the specific target platform (Java API specific to a target platform) in specific package.
Some dependency remains to the platform as API but can be reduced and packaged in order
to reuse and maintain the code in a multi-platform way.

There are many cross-compiler available (Cobol to Java (from LegacyJ), C to java, ...) that permit to develop in one language or integrate several languages to target Java platform.

How let an API and libraries that are platform proprietary (language based (Cobol libraries, ...) or OS/Hardware (Win32, iPhone, ...) available to other platform (Java, ...) ? Writing a wrapper of the API and libraries permit to let access it in another language or rewriting the libraries to the new target platform (e.g.: Java) may allow to get portability of the compiled code to different targets.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Java Standard Edition 1.6 Update 21 is available

Oracle (RIP Sun) released the Java SE 6 (1.6.0_21) build a few days ago.
Unexpectedly this release has many new features and updates (no security update anyway).
Here are the major ones.
Java VisualVM Updates

Many bug fixes

Many more supported systems

Java Hotspot VM 17.0

The new JVM includes version 17.0 of the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine. This has overall improvements to quality and features such as compressed object pointers, escape analysis-based optimization, code cache management but also G1 garbage collector (not active by default).

Go to grab it while it is hot for testing.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

iPhone 4 is arriving with great new features

All the features of the new iPhone. Just as an example, the screen is smaller than the iPad but the resolution of the screen (960x640) is great permitting to read books, see video/image with a huge enhancement compared to the current state in mobile device. One "bad" point is the FaceTime application that permit "only" wifi video conference, but it is more a restriction on the network than the iPhone or application itself.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Google Maps/Street View are now in 3D with the use of Red/Green glasses...

The popular StreetView Maps now get a Anaglyph 3D imagery.
Click on the Icon that shows the “man with the glasses” in the Street View to get 3D effects.

Good to see that 3D is coming real this year in games, entertainment and business.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two Approaches on Multi-Tenancy in the Cloud ...

Very interesting article on how to support resource-demanding applications on cluster/cloud systems. Scalability, heterogeneity of applications and data storages are well considered.